Assistant VP Jessica Bandoni praised for leadership and community involvement over more than a decade with URSB

Cartaret, NJ — A key factor to Ms. Bandoni’s success has been her dedication to training and mentoring new team members. Even while she is perpetually learning and taking on new duties, she serves as a role model for younger and newer employees. For example, when URSB decided to hire younger part-time tellers, Ms. Bandoni stepped up to train her new employees in the banking business, and to ensure the job doubled as a learning experience for them.

Ms. Bandoni also has served as an exemplary community ambassador for URSB. The bank attends a lengthy list of community events, and Jessica has proven instrumental in arranging prominent employee attendance at these events while ensuring the branch is well staffed. Of note, she has led URSB’s engagement in Carteret’s highly influential Seniors Club meeting, discussing elder abuse, speaking and providing information on USRB’s senior-friendly products and assisting prospective customers with account initiation.

“Jessica is constantly learning, and always willing and able to tackle any projects presented to her,” said Kenneth R. Totten, President & CEO for URSB. “She has impressed upper management with her poise, professionalism and dedication to team mentorship, making everyone around her better in the process. We are extremely fortunate to have her at URSB, and congratulate her on the much-deserved recognition from NJ Bankers.”

Jessica will be recognized at the Emerging Leaders Rising Star Awards Dinner hosted at The Stone House at Stirling Ridge in Warren, N.J. on November 7, 2019.

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